"Wife, two sons 9 & 4. We lived in a Chicago suburb. Easter morning. My youngest son comes running into the kitchen screaming that the Easter Bunny was sitting in the neighbor's yard. I'm confused so mom and I go take a look. Across the street is a bunny alrighty. Sitting peacefully in the neighbor's grass. Not moving. Rabid.
"We call the police. Neighbors are coming out. Cul-du-sac is full of youngsters and parents. (IQ of all of us at that moment - around zero) Female officer shows up. My neighbor points out the bunny. Officer walks to within about three feet of the diseased rabbit, whips out her revolver and blows the bunny to kingdom come.
"Talk about a disturbance in the force. A thousand voices rose as one: No, see, honey, it wasn't really the Easter Bunny."
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