I had best intentions when I came back from break, I really did. Some things I've accomplished. Like, I took a drunk walking tour/tribute to my hometown. I've not spent a ton of money so I can save up for spring break. I've finished all the cooking stuff I wanted to do and didn't have to pay for it. I've played a lot of video games. I've written more people facebook messages than I probably have in the past six months combined.
Other things didn't go quite so well. Catching up on periodicals and novels, not so much. Finishing "The Wire," sorry, didn't happen. However, it wasn't for a lack of effort. Much to the contrary. I blame Netflix (or more particularly, Netflix users) for not shipping me the DVDs in time. (I will, however, finish before episode 3 airs.) However, I credit Netflix and their "Instant Viewing" for stoking the fires of another addiction, an addiction to 30 Rock.
I could write a really long post about how much I love 30 Rock. It would probably highlight that almost every character is excellent in their roles and their screen time. It would definitely highlight my not so inexplicable attraction to Tina Fey and her character's hopeless, pathetic personal life and crippling inadequacies. Definitely a lot about the stellar soundtrack and Alec Baldwin's near perfection. But I have to wake up at 5am tomorrow so I won't.
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