January 8, 2008

Jay Leno and the joys of spontaneity

Have you seen Leno recently?  He's bad, just bad.  His best line is like "That's stupid, that's just stupid" or something relating to the size of Kevin Eubanks' dick.  It's almost as bad as the zings on this blog.  
Despite this, Leno is worth watching because his humor is at about the level of our local channel 10 talk show "Lars From Mars."  Yes, when Leno is spontaneous, he can be mildly amusing.  Give it a try, if only for 10 minutes.
Anyway, the bottom line of this worthless post is to shout out to the glory of internet humor.  Watch rocketboom, for instance.  So witty, so hot, so worthwhile.  Take a chance during this strike, peruse internet humor.

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