June 1, 2008

Reviewing Liquids of Varying Viscosity

Goose Island Beer
This beer is omnipresent in the Chicago area.  It is middle in the hierarchy of generally available beers, above the dreck and below Fat Tire.  The types I've had have been aggressively mediocre.  On the whole, these beers simply lack flavor.  The regular ale and IPA are sub-par and while the 312 wheat beer is crisp, it tastes like sparkling water.  The current summer seasonal is probably the best of the bunch.

Virgil's Bavarian Nutmeg Root Beer
Yes, the price of this beverage is completely outlandish.  However, it is quite excellent.  I don't think that the marginal utility of such an expensive root beer equals a solid choice like an IBC, but if you're throwing thrift out the window, this is the most balanced root beer I've ever drank.  It just sweet enough and has a nice spice without going over the line on bite.  

Cultural Revolution 5% Yogurt
The first thing I noticed about this yogurt was its somewhat watery texture.  The carton of Stonyfield I ate before this was quite thick and this is very much a change.  I don't know if it's because 5% has slightly more fat than your regular lowfat yogurt, but this yogurt has considerable taste and tangyness, almost equivalent to cheese.  Really good overall, but I would like a slightly thicker texture.

It's German, so maybe it isn't a surprise that it's a little more aggressive than the Italian sparkling water.  I usually prefer Pelligrino but would be willing to try different things every now and then.  I had Gerolsteiner once a long time ago and wasn't disappointed drinking it this time around.

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