May 14, 2008

I know I'm the last person in the world to see Juno, so I'll keep this short

I hated Juno. I was completely uncharmed by Ellen Page. I hated how it included every marginally overrated indie movie star on the planet (which now includes Page). The super-cute pun-zingers (e.g., "Phuket, Thailand") in the film's first fifteen minutes alone made me puke, the rest elicited other graphic bodily functions last described in the mid-90s. I also found the moral overtones a bit unsettling. The entire thing really just enriched my enjoyment of Gilmore Girls, which is wittier, and Me and You and Everyone We Know, which is simultaneously more cynical and touching. Somehow, I knew I should have followed my initial instinct and watched Blade Runner tonight.
On the plus side - Sean from Degrassi's cameo.

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